Maintain Natural Summer Coolness through Yoga and Meditation

4 min readAug 30, 2023


When the sweltering heat of summer arrives, finding ways to stay naturally cool becomes essential. Embracing a combination of yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises can be your ticket to staying focused, healthy, and content. Discover how incorporating these practices can not only help you remain composed but also effectively lower your body temperature during the scorching season.

Harmonizing with Seasonal Shifts

One’s ability to adapt to changing weather conditions while maintaining a calm disposition is a hallmark of a seasoned practitioner. As the temperature rises, consider making adjustments to your daily yoga routine to ensure your body and mind remain resilient in the summer heat.

A Collection of Yoga Practices for Summer Coolness

From various yoga asanas to controlled breathing exercises and visualization meditations, the following practices hold the power to naturally reduce body heat, leaving you refreshed and rejuvenated.

1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Begin by stretching your entire body from head to toe with the Mountain Pose. This comprehensive stretch activates growth hormones and promotes overall bodily well-being.

**How to perform:** Stand upright with your neck, spine, and legs in alignment. Inhale as you raise both arms overhead and stand on your toes, elongating your body. Maintain a straight posture and engage in this stretch for optimal benefits.

2. Tree Pose (Vriksasana)
The Tree Pose not only fosters mental and physical equilibrium but also aids in cooling both the mind and body. Strengthening various muscle groups, it targets the waist, upper body, arms, wrists, and legs.

**How to perform:** Stand tall on your yoga mat. Elevate your right leg, bending the knee and placing the foot on your left thigh. Keep the left leg straight and grounded. Raise your arms overhead in a ‘Namaskar’ posture. Focus your gaze on a single point for balance.

3. Comfortable Pose (Sukhasana)
As the name suggests, the Comfortable Pose encourages a peaceful state of mind by relieving fatigue, stress, tension, and anxiety. It also stimulates chakras and kundalini energy.

**How to perform:** Sit with your back straight, legs crossed, and knees facing outward. Alternate between crossing your legs, placing your left foot under your right thigh and vice versa. Keep your posture aligned and focus on steady inhalations and exhalations.

4. Cat Pose (Marjari Asana)
Cat Pose is an effortless yet effective practice that enhances muscle flexibility and encourages relaxation. The controlled breath pattern cools the body and brings relief to the waist region.

**How to perform:** Position yourself on all fours, aligning your hands with your shoulders and your knees with your hips. Exhale while arching your back upward and drawing your belly in. Inhale as you reverse the motion, arching your back downward and lifting your head and tailbone.

5. Pigeon Pose
The Pigeon Pose facilitates circulation throughout the body, reducing heart rate and promoting introspection and tranquility.

**How to perform:** Begin in a seated position. Elevate your body on your knees and hands without using your feet. Place your hands near your feet and gradually lean backward, supporting your head on the ground. Hold your ankles with both hands and gently rock your knees, resembling butterfly wings.

6. Lion Pose (Simhasana)
The Lion Pose enlivens vital organs and fosters rejuvenation. Its light-hearted nature brings joy and refreshment to your practice.

**How to perform:** Sit in Vajrasana with your knees apart. Place your palms on your knees and inhale deeply. Exhale with a ‘ha’ sound while sticking out your tongue as far as possible. Repeat this process several times.

7. Bound Angle Pose (Butterfly)
This pose alleviates foot fatigue and increases foot flexibility. It promotes both mental and physical calmness.

**How to perform:** Sit with your legs straight in front of you. Inhale as you bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Hold your ankles with your hands and gently flap your knees up and down.

8. Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Meditating in Corpse Pose provides not only bodily but also mental coolness. It serves as a focal point for relaxation and attention.

**How to perform:** Lie down on your back with your palms facing upward. Keep a slight distance between your feet. Breathe naturally as you focus on the area between your eyebrows. Gradually increase the duration of your meditation.

9. Sheetali Pranayama
Sheetali Pranayama, also known as Cooling Breath, counteracts excessive body heat. Drawing air through the moist tongue and exhaling hot air helps in maintaining mental and physical equilibrium.

**How to perform:** Sit comfortably in a cross-legged position. Roll your tongue to form a tube-like shape. Inhale deeply through the rolled tongue and fill your lungs. Close your mouth and exhale slowly through your nose. Repeat this practice for one to five minutes.

In Conclusion

Embrace the power of yoga, meditation, and controlled breathing to keep yourself naturally cool during the sweltering summer months. By integrating these practices into your routine, you’ll not only find solace but also enhance your focus, health, and overall well-being. Let this holistic approach guide you towards a summer marked by tranquility and rejuvenation.




Written by Harmoyoga

I love yoga and have been a yoga instructor for 12 years. I created this blog to share my experience in practicing yoga.

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